Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I Love Religious Nutjobs

Warren Jeffs, the polygamist leader of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, was sentenced to life in prison today. Jeffs had like 100 child-brides and gave them specific instructions on what to do with his wrinkly, old-man junk. If I had to blow him, I would have killed myself, so life in prison is pretty lax.

Like many of my posts, this has no real relevance, except for the fact that I love religious nutjobs, and want Mr. Jeffs to do an "And I'm a Mormon" commercial so bad I think my brain might bleed. Anyone up for a parody?!?

P.S. I know Mr. Jeffs does not represent all Mormons, and is a Fundy, but we've all heard Mitt Romney speak. Come on, even the sane ones are a little crazy.


Tara said...

Oh man. I get so sick of people using their religion as an excuse to hold prejudices and turn their their noses up at others. I clicked on the link you had with the longboarder girl, and I was waiting for her to start talking about her faith and it didn't come until the very end, and I was like...okay, so what? I don't give a shit if you're Mormon! Did that help you win the longboarding championship or something? What statement do they think they are making? It's like me saying, "My name is Tara, and I like Doritos." Who gives a shit?!

/end rant.

But really, Warren Jeffs is a terrible man who deserves everything coming to him.

Allie said...

I think those commercials are trying to make Mormonism appeal to the masses. Like, "Look, they're not all crazy, religious zealots. They have a longboarder amongst them, so they must be cool."

Fooled us, Mormons.

And you're right, Warren Jeffs is an awful man. Anyone who uses religion as a tool to brainwash is disgusting.

BlackLOG said...

Religious Blowjobs, I thought it went with the territory – Catholic priests have been indulging in it for years…

I’m sad to say that organised religion is not much better than organised crime except the Mafia don’t appear to be kiddie fiddlers….

A Beer for the Shower said...

So do the Mormon commercials let black viewers know how they feel about them? You know, since according to the book of Mormon, black people were 'cursed', and were therefore 'stained' black by God because of their sins?

Allie said...

Blacklog- Completely agreed!

Beer- One of the guys in the 'Mormons aren't batshit' commercials was a black man and I couldn't believe it. How could you follow a religion that in no way hides it's disgust for you?

Liz Taylor said...

ghahahahahahahahha god i love your blogs. end of story.

Allie said...

Ohhh Liz, I love you!!

Carrymel said...

That man needed to be locked away from society a loooong time ago. This is long overdue.

ps - his teeth though? o.O

Allie said...

Yeah girl, I don't know what's happening with his teeth. Just because you're in a cult doesn't mean you get to throw away your tooth brush.