Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Happy Holidays... I'm Too Drunk to Blog Consistently

Hello all of you sexy subscribin' motherfuckers! You may have noticed that my blogging has been sporadic at best as of lately, and as much as I'd like to have a good excuse for you, I don't. It's mainly because I'm busy eating my body weight in cheese logs, drinking wine from an easy-pour spout, and completely ignoring any trace of my Jewish heritage.

Basically, I'm celebrating Christmas!

 Just like Rick Perry would want me to, and since he gave me the best gift of all (dressing up like a gay cowboy and solidifying that he will never win the nomination by making a painfully homophobic political ad) I should really do this holiday up right!

So Merry Christmas, everyone! I will get back to blogging regularly shortly after the holiday season, and until then I'll leave you with this.

Happy Winter Solstice, Mr. Perry!


Mallory said...

Favorite part is at the end: "I'm Rick Perry, and I approve this message."

OF COURSE he approves it; he's saying it! What was he afraid we were going to think? That he was being held at gunpoint to make the ad?

L-Kat said...

I'm supporting the boxed wine industry this holiday season. I think I'll continue that trend until Obama is reelected. It's going to be a drunk 2012.

Carrymel said...

This video cracked me up something terrible when I first watched it. I just don't understand how his people didn't tell him how bad that would turn *shrugs*

Oh well, Happy holidays mamacita!

Ally Gregory-Moore said...

My favorite part of this video is that the jacket he is wearing is the exact jacket Heath Ledger wore in Brokeback Mountain.

BlackLOG said...

Some would say I'm to sober to blog...but it never stopped me...thanks for all the laughs and entertainment this year. have a great Christmas and New Year and don’t forget to come and say hello at the BlackLOG next year....

Melissa Pace said...

I'm certain you could create an awesome drinking game with political ads. Perhaps every time a candidate says something ignorant you have to drink.